Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

It was the perfect Mother's Day.

I had to stay home from church because Toddler has a bad cold.  Tween stayed with me, while Teen went to try to fulfill some of my church obligations.  While she was gone, Tween made me a card and Toddler reassured me any number of times that she "wuffs" me.  My third daughter brought Tween home (more about 3D in a future post) and stayed to talk boy/God/future stuff.  We went to the store to pick up subs, cold medicine, and ice cream, then spent the rest of the day watching videos and playing Wii Fit.  Husband called on the computer and we chatted for a while.  Video telephoning is so Jetsons, and so nice.

I love a quiet day at home.  I hate having a fuss made over me.  It really was the perfect day.